Rab Beverly |
<2019-09-03 20:23> |
Thanks for your cool Go comics! Good luck with everything you're doing :) |
Umi |
<2019-04-27 04:46> |
I'm a brand new Go player and these were awesome to read! Thank you for the match :] |
Shenzao |
<2018-12-14 08:38> |
Thank you for all of your hard work. It's been fun to read through. |
Zanza |
<2018-10-06 21:37> |
She is back? back again? Chido´s back!! Tell a friend :) |
Macha.J |
<2015-09-16 17:49> |
Hello ! :) We met at EGC 2015 in Lebered, you made a portrait of me, and gave me your deviantID. I'm Macha, but you surely don't remember, anyway, doesn't matter x) I just wanted to thank you because I love your art, and I really relate to it somehow :) So yup thank you, bye :D |
<2015-09-16 17:49> |
Hello ! :) We met at EGC 2015 in Lebered, you made a portrait of me, and gave me your deviantID. I'm Macha, but you surely don't remember, anyway, doesn't matter x) I just wanted to thank you because I love your art, and I really relate to it somehow :) So yup thank you, bye :D |
<2015-09-03 14:33> |
I found some free time to frame your artwork I bought at the EGC ^^
I hope you agree it looks good here:
https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/11895142_10153127880491984_1549110762730670566_o.jpg |
Flavio |
<2013-07-26 13:24> |
Just discovered your site and I'm loving it!
Cheers, from Brazil! :)
Jeffry Finer |
<2013-05-02 18:20> |
Just discovered your site. Wonderful, phenomenal drawings and sense of fun. Personality and a sweetness that shines through. I'll be showing these to my Go class! |
=^.^= |
<2012-12-31 00:14> |
I really love your watercolour-fans and as I am an artist, too, I would like you to ask where you get the blank ones to work with.
I would be really really happy if you could give me some tips in an email.
:D |
Tom |
<2012-11-07 13:58> |
Hey—I've been slightly obsessed with the empty triangle for a good while, ever since my friends and I discovered go at university and we used to joke about it.
So I've used it as a nick on various sites and so forth, although I never did get around to registering the domain! Anyway, neat site—good luck with it, and with your go. |
Caode! |
<2012-10-24 09:57> |
Chido! :D *hug* |
) |
<2012-10-21 19:37> |
Hi! You are cute ) |
<2012-10-20 21:02> |
Hi Radka, I forwarded your last to the orgniser of EGC next year. Pawel Noga is a friend of me. I will do the bulletins there. Look forward to a bit of graphic help from Empty Triangle and proposed him she needs a free bed at campus.
Any chance you might have time?
Miss a lot your presence and contributions ... Have fun - Peter |
<2012-05-25 13:48> |