#078 family matters
Loads of new art from the EGC 2018 now in the "related artwork" section :)
We now have a discord channel! Join us!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by my booth at the EGC 2018 in Pisa, Italy! I had a blast being a part of a great congress.
Both comments and the guestbook should be working again ^_^
I'll be at the EGC in Liberec drawing for you! www.egc2015.cz
now in Russian too! triangle.sente.ru
new items in the shop! T-shirts, prints and other stuff :)
family matters
Creator's comments
Maurizio Parton pulled me out of artistic retirement to participate at this year's EGC in Pisa, Italy and now in retrospect I am very much grateful he did! It was a beautiful congress. Thanks to all who made it happen! I once again met multitudes of nice go players - and a particular thing I noticed, considering the fact my first EGC was stately 11 years ago, how some go players expand into multi-generational go-playing families. I wonder if there's an opposite effect too? Kids being embarrassed of their parents' go-centric lifestyle?
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Mail_symbol Name_symbol Stephen M. <2018-08-15 10:00>
  In this age of zero-human-knowledge algorithms and early 3-3 invasions, we *need* more empty triangles to keep us grounded. Thank you for a great comic.
Name_symbol <2018-08-15 01:09>
  Awesome :D Love to see one of your comics again ^^
Layout by chidori programmed by sutech&pasky&mrkva - 2006-2015