Loads of new art from the EGC 2018 now in the "related artwork" section :)
We now have a discord channel! Join us!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by my booth at the EGC 2018 in Pisa, Italy! I had a blast being a part of a great congress.
Both comments and the guestbook should be working again ^_^
I'll be at the EGC in Liberec drawing for you! www.egc2015.cz
now in Russian too!
new items in the shop! T-shirts, prints and other stuff :)
mike |
<2011-06-05 06:11> |
im sure if one looks hard enough, a model can be found that gives "the best of both worlds".
Jonathan |
<2010-12-05 23:25> |
Chess clocks all the way...digital chess clocks.
(actually, any chess clock is better than an ing-clock, imho. There is no "feel" in an ing-clock) |
Lazy Buddha |
<2010-02-12 11:45> |
So funny, because we use chess clocks at our local club >_< |
I had my first encounter with the new ING-clock model at congress (yes, I did not make it up), and disliked it immediately. Not only it has lost its personality - I prefer a bad one more than none at all - but to set it, you needed assistance of at least two people especially lectured on the subject of setting those little software wonders... and the "beep" sound they make when you push them was driving me crazy more than the ticking of chess clocks ever managed to.
I met loads of people who prefer chess clocks the most, but I can't help disliking them. They are... suspicious. Somehow.
Kind of flipchart-style-ish strip, but I like it a lot. I know it's unusual, but I always wanted to try! Thanks for bearing with me and my artistic experiments ^_^